16 mayo, 2007

Real English. A superb site!!

Hi, there!

As one of my teachers used to say 'Students need input. The more they listen and the more they read, the better.' Nowadays we can offer them a lot of material thanks to the internet.

Today, we want you to visit Real English, an amazing site which contains lots of videos and exercises.

By way of example, watch this:

And do the exercises:
Vocabulary for unit 1
Matching exercise 1
Matching exercise 2
Type in the blanks

Numbers: Let's play!

Welcome to our new students!

Let's play with numbers.
Higgly ball game Ayuda a los chicos Higgly a marcar gol. "Clickea" en los número que oigas.

Shin Chan en la feria

Oxford University Press number maze (numbers from 1 to 10)

Oxford University Press number maze (numbers 11 to 20)

15 mayo, 2007

Pronuntiation of final "-ed" forms

Hi, boys. Today we have a lot of grammar to study but I know that most of you are interested in pronunciation too.
Here I leave this link by Eva L. Easton so you can practise the pronunciation of the -ed form of regular verbs.
Don't forget to do the quiz

10 mayo, 2007

Dear Ytahisa, Dunia and Palma

Oh, my God! I feel old. Last Tuesday, one of my students mentioned a famous horror film called Saw, then, yesterday, another student exclaimed: "Oh! This song is cool!" when she saw an exercise about a Kelly Clarkson's song in her book.
I must admit I didn't have the slightest idea about the existence of such a film or such a song or even such an artist. I guess I'm a little bit old-fashioned. I have to remedy this, don't I?

According to Richard Henry Dann He who dares to teach must never cease to learn and Baltasar Gracián y Morales once said No hay maestro que no pueda ser discípulo and
1. bearing in mind these two quotations
2. and as today is Fun Friday* and Dunia, Ytahisa and Palma do want to work
I want you, girls, to surf the net and then teach me all you have found out about Kelly Clarkson, (or about the film Saw, or about anything you consider I should know). Please do not let your teacher be so outdated.

* It was fun Friday, when I tried to post this, but our computers didn't work.

08 mayo, 2007

Isabel Pérez and the lemon tree song

As I pointed out some posts ago, there are lots of wonderful teachers who share their experience and their hard work on the web. Isabel Pérez Torres is one of those, and her site, Isabel's ESL is one of the most impressive web pages I've ever known. I strongly recommend it to both teachers and students.

This is an opportunity to thank her job and also to post one of her exercises: Lemon Tree Song

Don't miss the video. It's not hers (but I discovered it in her blog)
Lemon Tree Video

By the way, Lemon Tree is a song by Fool's Garden, a German pop group formed in 1991.

07 mayo, 2007

Welcome to our soldiers

These days, we are teaching a course on Military English.
We think these links will be useful for our students:

Empleos y divisas de la OTAN from the Spanish Wikipedia and
Ranks and insignia of NATO from the English Wikipedia

Abierto el plazo de matrícula.

Está abierto el plazo de matrícula para el curso 2007-2008.

Aquellos que lo prefieran pueden realizar una pre-inscripción que deberán confirmar cumplimentando la matrícula la primera semana de septiembre.
Les recordamos, sin embargo, que los grupos se cerrarán al llegar a las 10 matrículas y que por tanto, los alumnos preinscritos pasarán a la lista de espera.

A aquellos que abonen la matrícula ahora y posteriormente no puedan comenzar el curso se les devolverá su importe íntegro (a condición de que confirmen su inasistencia durante la primera semana de curso y de que la plaza que dejen vacante sea cubierta por otro alumno)