18 diciembre, 2009

Happy Christmas

Ding dong dong
Ding dong dong...

Ding dong merrily on high,
In heav'n the bells are ringing:
Ding dong! verily the sky
Is riv'n with angel singing.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

E'en so here below, below,
Let steeple bells be swungen,
And "Io, io, io!"
By priest and people sungen.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

Pray you, dutifully prime
Your matin chime, ye ringers;
May you beautifully rime
Your evetime song, ye singers.
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!
Gloria, Hosanna in excelsis!

28 octubre, 2009

Trick or treat?

Trick or treat?

Halloween is coming!
To learn a little bit about this festival, please visit History.com and watch these videos about its history and its origins.

If you want to celebrate it, enjoy these ones by In a world ...:

And do not miss the song This is Halloween from Tim Burton's movie Nightmare Before Christmas.

'Twas a long time ago,
longer now than it seems,
in a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.
For the story that you are about to be told,
took place in the holiday worlds of old.
Now, you've probably wondered where holidays come from.
If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun!

or the famous Michael Jackson's Thriller

15 septiembre, 2009

Horarios Curso 09-10

Grupo 1 = Infantil
- M y J de 5.00 a 6.00 con Chiqui

Grupo 2 = 1º de Primaria
- L y Mx de 4.00 a 5.00 con Miguel

Grupo 3 = 2º de Primaria
- M y J de 4.00 a 5.00 con Chiqui

Grupo 4 = 3º de Primaria
- L y Mx de 5.00 a 6.00 con Miguel
- M y J de 4.00 a 5.00 con Miguel.

Grupo 5 = 4º de Primaria
- L y Mx de 4.00 a 5.00 con Chiqui
- M y J de 6.00 a 7.00 con Chiqui

Grupo 6 = 5º de Primaria
- L y Mx de 6.00 a 7.00 con Miguel.
- M y J de 5.00 a 6.00 con Miguel.

Grupo 7 = 6º de Primaria
- L y Mx de 6.00 a 7.00 con Chiqui.

Grupo 8 = 1º - 2º E.S.O.
- L y Mx de 5.00 a 6.00 con Chiqui.

Grupo 9 = 2º - 3º E.S.O.
- M y J de 6.00 a 7.00 con Miguel.

Grupo 10 = 3º- 4º E.S.O.
- M y J de 7.00 a 8.00 con Chiqui

Grupo 11= Bachillerato
- L y Mx de 7.00 a 8.00 con Miguel

Les recordamos que la equivalencia entre los grupos y los cursos escolares es orientativa.

Aquellos que no sepan qué grupo se les ha asignado, pueden pasar por la academia a consultar los listados o llamar por teléfono.

A los que no les convenga el horario asignado y deseen anular la matrícula, podrán hacerlo hasta el día 5 de octubre, previa presentación del recibo.

08 septiembre, 2009

Curso 2009-2010

Horario de Septiembre
De lunes a jueves:
Mañanas: de 10.00 a 12.30
Tardes: de 5.30 a 8.00
Viernes: sólo horario de mañana

Los nuevos alumnos y aquellos que están en lista de espera han de pasar por la academia el día 10 de septiembre, a las 5.30 de la tarde, a realizar el examen de nivel.

Los horarios se publicarán el día 15 de septiembre.

Las clases comenzarán el 1 de octubre.

11 mayo, 2009

Plazo de matrícula. Curso 09-10

Queda abierto el plazo de matrícula para el curso 2009-2010 para nuestros alumnos.
Los nuevos alumnos podrán matricularse a partir del próximo 21 de mayo.

Aquellos que lo prefieran pueden realizar una pre-inscripción que deberán confirmar cumplimentando la matrícula la primera semana de septiembre.
Les recordamos, sin embargo, que los alumnos serán admitidos por riguroso orden de matriculación y que la pre-inscripción no les asegura la plaza pues el número de alumnos por grupo es limitado.

A aquellos que abonen la matrícula ahora y posteriormente no puedan comenzar el curso se les devolverá su importe íntegro (a condición de que confirmen su inasistencia durante la primera semana de curso y de que la plaza que dejen vacante sea cubierta por otro alumno)

Los alumnos que se matriculen por primera vez han de realizar un examen de nivel con el objeto de asignarles el grupo que les corresponda en función de sus conocimientos.

28 abril, 2009

Social networks

Social networking websites, such as MySpace, Facebookor or Twenti, have become very popular these days. They are places where you can connect up with friends and family, meet people who have the same interests as you and share photos, videos and things like that.

See how they work with this video by Commoncraft. Afterwards, you can read its trascription.

As you can see, social networks may have some advantages. However, not everyone loves them:

If you want to read the captions for this video, visit LangoLab

Remember, dear students, your writing on social networks have to be handed in soon.
You may write about their advantages and disadvantes or you may write about your own experience using them (I know most of you have an account on Twenti)

27 abril, 2009

The Short-Range Assault Weapon

23 abril, 2009

St. George. Books and Roses.

April 23rd, the Day of Saint George, was declared as International Day of the Book by UNESCO in 1995. On this date and in the same year of 1616, Cervantes, Shakespeare and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died.
The idea for this celebration originated in Catalonia, where on 23 April, Saint George's Day, people exchange gifts between them. Historically, men gave women roses, and women gave men a book to celebrate the occasion—"a rose for love and a book forever."

According to the legend, St. George rescued a princess by defeating a fearsome fire-breathing dragon. After slaying the creature, legend says that a drop of its blood sprouted into a red rose which the saint gave to the princess he had saved.

St. George is the patron saint of England. For more information, visit: projectbritain.com and Learn Englisn free online

17 marzo, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

Today, March 17th, is Saint Patrick's Day. Irish people celebrate their patron Saint.

Watch these videos and read the information provided by History.com

27 febrero, 2009

17 febrero, 2009

A little bit of grammar with U2 & Bruce Springsteen

Complete the song.

1. (climb) => present perfect
2. (high) => superlative
3. (run) => present perfect

I ________________ (1) the (2)___________ mountain
I ______________ (3) through the fields
Only to be with you (x 2)

4. (run) => present perfect
5. (crawl) => present perfect
6. (scale) => present perfect
7. (this) => plural

I ________________(4), I _______________ (5)
I _________________(6) __________(7) city walls
____________(7) city walls
Only to be with you

8. (find) => pres. perfect - neg
9. (I/look for) => pres. cont.

But I still _______________(8) what ______________(9) for

10. (kiss) => pres. perfect
11. (speak) => pres. perfect
12. (hold) => pres. perfect
13. (hot) => the opposite

I ____________________(10) honey lips
Felt the healing in her fingertips
It burned like fire
This burning desire
I ____________________(11) with the tongue of angels
I ____________________(12) the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was ___________ (13) as a stone

But I still ...

14. (believe) => present simple
15. (bleed) => future
16. (run) => pres. continuous

I _____________(14) in the kingdom come
Then all the colors ____________(15) into one
Bleed into one
Well, yes, I'___ still ____________(16) .

17. (break) => past simple
18. (loose) => past simple
19. (carry) => past simple
20. (know) => present simple
21. (believe) => present simple

You ____________ (17) the bonds and you
________________ (18) the chains
________________ (19) the cross
And all my shame
All my shame
You ______________ (20)I ________________ (21) it 

But I still ...

If you want to download the exercise click here