17 octubre, 2007

Grace Kelly, Freddy Mercury & Mika

It's time to write!!! Most of you have been asked to write a short biography of a famous person.

Go to pages 68-69 and 119 (English in Context 2) to learn some useful tips and expressions.

Then choose one of people in the title of this post and start writing. As one of Mika's songs says 'Relax, take it easy' (You will be given some notes about these people during our lesson today)

Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?

I could be wholesome
I could be loathsome
I guess I'm a little bit shy
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me without making me try?

I try to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad
So I try a little Freddie
I've gone identity mad!

I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you like me?
Why don't you walk out the door!

How can I help it
How can I help it
How can I help what you think?
Hello my baby
Hello my baby
Putting my life on the brink
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like me
Why don't you like yourself?
Should I bend over?
Should I look older just to be put on the shelf?

I try to be like Grace Kelly ...

I could be brown ...

Say what you want to satisfy yourself
But you only want what
everybody else says you should want

I could be brown ...

01 octubre, 2007

Calendario escolar. Curso 2007 - 2008

* Si se produjera algún cambio en el calendario, se avisará con la suficiente antelación.

** Les recordamos que la asistencia a los "Fun Friday" no es obligatoria, aunque sí es recomendable (especialmente para aquellos que necesiten mejorar en el colegio/instituto).

*** Nos permitimos recordarles, asimismo, que los alumnos que lo deseen podrán concertar horas de clase extra. Dichas horas no supondrán cargo adicional alguno - siempre y cuando el alumno asista regularmente a las clases de su grupo - y se impartirán los lunes, miércoles y Fun Fridays a partir de las 8.00 y los martes y jueves a partir de las 7.00.

27 septiembre, 2007

Estudiar inglés. Reflexiones propias y ajenas

Desde hace unas semanas el periódico El Mundo ofrece a sus lectores la posibilidad de adquirir por entregas un curso de Inglés, El Inglés con Vaughan. El padre de la criatura, Richard Vaughan, da algunos consejos para estudiar cualquier idioma y señala algunos errores que solemos cometer a la hora de embarcarnos en un curso. Shark'o School comparte sus opiniones y por ello reproduce parte de ellas aquí.


El profesor adecuado
Si es principiante, contrate 300 horas de clase. Si no le gusta su magisterio, no siga con él.

Vuelta a empezar
Si no es principiante, acepte humildemente partir de cero otra vez con el fin de rehacer y reforzar sus conocimientos.

Deberes en casa
Estudie al menos una hora en casa por cada hora de clase recibida. El mejor enfoque es leer en voz alta frases muy sencillas en inglés.

Dominio de los tiempos
Gane agilidad oral con el presente, pasado, futuro y presente perfecto (son el 95% de lo que necesitará al hablar).

Cursos alternativos
Si decide ir fuera - al extranjero -, no se apunte a cursos de inglés, sino a cursos en inglés (ofimática, guitarra, cocina, aeróbic...).

La red ayuda mucho
Navegue una hora al día por Internet en inglés. Si es interesante equivale a cinco horas de clase.

Noticias sí; ...
Trate de ver canales en inglés. Recomiendo documentales y programas de noticias ...

Cuestión de tiempo

Si no entiende al escuchar inglés por televisión o Internet, no se preocupe. Lo hará conforme pasen las semanas.

Lea... sin diccionario
Lea novelas de suspense o tipo “best-seller”. Procure utilizar el diccionario sólo para determinadas palabras.

Reglas de oro
Sea humilde y perfeccionista en el aspecto auditivo. Oído, confianza y agilidad oral con la gramática básica: éstas son las únicas tres prioridades.


Con 300 horas no es suficiente. Entre clases, estudio personal y uso cotidiano deberían ser 3.000.
Las clases no ayudan por sí solas. Hay que dedicar tiempo al estudio y a practicar con situaciones reales.

Pensar que entendiendo al profesor se comprenden todas las situaciones reales y “pasar” de la gramática.

Viajar al extranjero a aprenderlo no garantiza nada. Sólo funciona si se pasan varios años fuera.

Un buen dominio exige inversión de dinero y tiempo. No existe la solución indolora.

Aunque parece que estos consejos van dirigidos a adultos que quieren estudiar un idioma, creemos que en parte se pueden aplicar al aprendizaje de los niños que empiezan a estudiar inglés: El conocimiento implica esfuerzo y dedicación. Un buen profesor es necesario, pero el alumno es el que ha de realizar la mayor parte del trabajo.

Recomendamos la lectura de la entrevista íntegra que le hicieron al profesor Vaughan en el suplemento dominical del periódico.

12 septiembre, 2007

Horario curso 07-08

Aquellos que no estén seguros de a qué grupo pertenecen pueden pasar por la academia a consultar los listados. Si lo prefieren pueden llamar por teléfono.

11 septiembre, 2007


Estimados padres:

Esperamos tener a su disposición los horarios provisionales en este mismo blog, mañana - día 12- a última hora de la tarde. Así mismo los colocaremos en el tablón de anuncios de la academia.

(Rogamos nos hagan saber los horarios definitivos del resto de las actividades de sus hijos, si quieren que los tengamos en cuenta a la hora de elaborar los nuestros)

Si tienen alguna duda, llamen a la academia.

A los alumnos que están en lista de espera se les llamará a lo largo de esta semana para confirmarles si han obtenido plaza.

Reciban un cordial saludo.

03 septiembre, 2007

Vuelta al cole

Horario de Septiembre
Mañanas: de 10.00 a 12.30
Tardes: de 5.00 a 8.00

Rogamos a los antiguos alumnos que estén interesados en seguir en la academia que formalicen la matrícula esta primera semana de septiembre; de lo contrario sus plazas quedarán disponibles.

Los nuevos alumnos y aquellos que están en lista de espera han de pasar por la academia el día 10 de septiembre, a las 6.00 de la tarde, a realizar el examen de nivel.

Las clases comenzarán el 1 de octubre.

19 junio, 2007

Nos vamos de vacaciones

Queridos alumnos:

Sharkito se va a tomar unos días de vacaciones.
La academia permanecerá cerrada durante el mes de julio.

Os recordamos que el plazo de matrícula está abierto. (En algunos cursos es conveniente formalizar la matrícula ya si no queréis quedaros sin plaza para el curso que viene.

Si alguno de vosotros ha osado suspender inglés, ya sabe lo que toca: clases gratis en agosto (y sufrir nuestras iras por hacernos trabajar en un mes caluroso)

Have a wonderful summer!!!

We're all going on a summer holiday
no more working for a week or two.
Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
no more worries for me or you,
for a week or two.

We're going where the sun shines brightly
we're going where the sea is blue.
we've all seen it on the movies,
now let's see if it's true.

Everybody has a summer holiday
doin' things they always wanted to
So we're going on a summer holiday,
to make our dreams come true
for me and you.

16 mayo, 2007

Real English. A superb site!!

Hi, there!

As one of my teachers used to say 'Students need input. The more they listen and the more they read, the better.' Nowadays we can offer them a lot of material thanks to the internet.

Today, we want you to visit Real English, an amazing site which contains lots of videos and exercises.

By way of example, watch this:

And do the exercises:
Vocabulary for unit 1
Matching exercise 1
Matching exercise 2
Type in the blanks

Numbers: Let's play!

Welcome to our new students!

Let's play with numbers.
Higgly ball game Ayuda a los chicos Higgly a marcar gol. "Clickea" en los número que oigas.

Shin Chan en la feria

Oxford University Press number maze (numbers from 1 to 10)

Oxford University Press number maze (numbers 11 to 20)

15 mayo, 2007

Pronuntiation of final "-ed" forms

Hi, boys. Today we have a lot of grammar to study but I know that most of you are interested in pronunciation too.
Here I leave this link by Eva L. Easton so you can practise the pronunciation of the -ed form of regular verbs.
Don't forget to do the quiz

10 mayo, 2007

Dear Ytahisa, Dunia and Palma

Oh, my God! I feel old. Last Tuesday, one of my students mentioned a famous horror film called Saw, then, yesterday, another student exclaimed: "Oh! This song is cool!" when she saw an exercise about a Kelly Clarkson's song in her book.
I must admit I didn't have the slightest idea about the existence of such a film or such a song or even such an artist. I guess I'm a little bit old-fashioned. I have to remedy this, don't I?

According to Richard Henry Dann He who dares to teach must never cease to learn and Baltasar Gracián y Morales once said No hay maestro que no pueda ser discípulo and
1. bearing in mind these two quotations
2. and as today is Fun Friday* and Dunia, Ytahisa and Palma do want to work
I want you, girls, to surf the net and then teach me all you have found out about Kelly Clarkson, (or about the film Saw, or about anything you consider I should know). Please do not let your teacher be so outdated.

* It was fun Friday, when I tried to post this, but our computers didn't work.

08 mayo, 2007

Isabel Pérez and the lemon tree song

As I pointed out some posts ago, there are lots of wonderful teachers who share their experience and their hard work on the web. Isabel Pérez Torres is one of those, and her site, Isabel's ESL is one of the most impressive web pages I've ever known. I strongly recommend it to both teachers and students.

This is an opportunity to thank her job and also to post one of her exercises: Lemon Tree Song

Don't miss the video. It's not hers (but I discovered it in her blog)
Lemon Tree Video

By the way, Lemon Tree is a song by Fool's Garden, a German pop group formed in 1991.

07 mayo, 2007

Welcome to our soldiers

These days, we are teaching a course on Military English.
We think these links will be useful for our students:

Empleos y divisas de la OTAN from the Spanish Wikipedia and
Ranks and insignia of NATO from the English Wikipedia

Abierto el plazo de matrícula.

Está abierto el plazo de matrícula para el curso 2007-2008.

Aquellos que lo prefieran pueden realizar una pre-inscripción que deberán confirmar cumplimentando la matrícula la primera semana de septiembre.
Les recordamos, sin embargo, que los grupos se cerrarán al llegar a las 10 matrículas y que por tanto, los alumnos preinscritos pasarán a la lista de espera.

A aquellos que abonen la matrícula ahora y posteriormente no puedan comenzar el curso se les devolverá su importe íntegro (a condición de que confirmen su inasistencia durante la primera semana de curso y de que la plaza que dejen vacante sea cubierta por otro alumno)

24 abril, 2007

Would Jack Sparrow download files from the internet for free?

Jack Sparrow is the character played by Johnny Depp in "Pirates of the Caribbean", a successful Disney film where not all the pirates are considered bad guys. On the contrary, Sparrow is one of the heroes of the movie, along with the characters played by Keira Knightley and Orlando Bloom. So, what would happen nowadays if he had the opportunity to listen to music or watch a film without paying?

What is your opinion about internet files sharing? Do you think piracy seriously damages the music and movie industry? Or do you believe that it is a question of freedom to share what you own with other people? You can see both views in these commercials.



Finally, you can try this link to read (and listen) about some surprising words by Robbie Williams on the subject.

BBC Learning English

20 abril, 2007

The king!

In the Ghetto by Elvis Presley.

Put the sentences in order:
_____ A poor little baby child is born
_____ As the snow flies
_____ In the ghetto
_____ On a cold and gray Chicago morning

Fill the blanks.
Use: - need - mouth - hungry - thing - cries
And his mama ____________
'cause if there's one __________ that she don't ___________
it's another _________ ___________ to feed
In the ghetto.

Put the sentences in order:
_____ the child needs a helping hand
_____ or he'll grow to be an angry young man some day
_____ are we too blind to see,
_____ People, don't you understand
_____ Take a look at you and me,
_____ do we simply turn our heads
_____ and look the other way

Fill the blanks.
Use: -fight- streets - boy - steal - night
Well the world turns
and a hungry little _______ with a runny nose
plays in the _______ as the cold wind blows
In the ghetto
And his hunger burns
so he starts to roam the streets at ________
and he learns how to ___________
and he learns how to ___________
In the ghetto

Use: - desperation - mama - gun - car -far
Then one night in ____________
the young man breaks away
He buys a ________, steals a _________,
tries to run, but he don't get ________
And his ________ cries

Put the sentences in order:
_____ face down on the street with a gun in his hand
_____ As a crowd gathers 'round an angry young man
_____ In the ghetto

_____ another little baby child is born
_____ In the ghetto
_____ As her young man dies,
_____ on a cold and gray Chicago morning,
_____ and his mama cries.


Now, do the following exercise from the OUP (Oxford University Press)
... and if you are not very tired, try this one by Real English

19 abril, 2007

It's bath time!

If you like the Knock Knock English Team's songs, you can purchase their CDs on their web.

15 abril, 2007


Just the first words anyone learns in any language.

Not only words but also gesture language - or rather sound language or interjections (???) To tell the truth, I don't know how to call it. Whatever ... very important to communicate.

This video belongs to a wonderful team of teachers who work in Japan. If you want to know them you can visit their web page: Super Simple Songs. It's worth visiting!!! Listen and watch their songs. Super!!!

13 abril, 2007

Thank you

THANKS, THANK YOU, THANKS A LOT to all those teachers who share their knowlede and their work on the web.

Lots of our colleagues love their job and work very hard. On top of that, they share their work with everybody.

We want to pay homage to all of them. From now on, we will make an effort to let you know these wonderful professionals.

To start with, let us introduce esl teaching reources, a blog written by an English teacher who works in South Korea. You can't miss her videos. They are fantanstic!
Wanna see one, huh?

(Thank you, Captain KungZoo)

Moreover, her blog is full of useful advice, useful ideas and useful links.

10 abril, 2007

Is beauty so important?

The Spanish version of the popular American TV show Extreme Makeover has arrived in our living rooms. Antena 3 is broadcasting Cambio Radical.

On Cambio Radical, participants are away from their families for several weeks. During this time, they undergo a number of different cosmetic procedures, including plastic surgery, diets, hairdressing and so on. They also meet personal trainers and fashion consultants who teach them how to improve their look.

Thousands of people have applied for a place on this reality show.

- What do you think of it? Would you like to be a contestant in a programme like this?
- Would you undergo plastic surgery? Why? (or why not?)
- Why is plastic surgery so popular nowadays?
- Some people claim that this kind of realities are sexist. Do you agree?
- Is beauty so important?
- Do we need to change our bodies or to change our minds?

14 marzo, 2007

Cursos de verano en el extranjero

Estimados padres:

Estamos estudiando la posibilidad de organizar cursos de inglés en el Reino Unido o en Irlanda en verano. Dichos cursos serían impartidos por profesores nativos y nosotros acompañaríamos a nuestros alumnos con objeto de supervisar su bienestar.

Quizá poner este nuevo servicio para el próximo verano sea un poco precipitado y haya que posponerlo hasta el curso que viene. Sin embargo, algunas empresas pertenecientes a ASEPROCE (Asociación Española de Promotores de Cursos en el Extranjero) nos han asegurado que todavía estamos a tiempo.

En caso de que estén interesados, rogamos nos lo comuniquen cuanto antes y así podríamos presentarles una información precisa de los posibles destinos y precios.

De momento, podemos anticiparles que hay empresas que ofertan cursos para alumnos a partir de los 8 años y que los precios medios oscilan entre los 2.000 y los 3.500€.

En caso de que esta iniciativa no salga adelante para el próximo verano y que ustedes tengan especial interés en que sus hijos realizen un curso de este tipo, no duden en consultarnos. Les proporcionaremos la información de la que disponemos sobre las diferentes empresas del sector.

27 febrero, 2007

The animals went in two by two

The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The animals went in two by two, the elephant and the kangaroo
And they all went into the ark, for to get out of the rain.

La canción es más larga. Si quieres escucharla completa, visita la página Detlef Cordes y haz click en "To MP3-Download" y a continuación en "Start MP3 Download now"

26 febrero, 2007

Sorry, no Fun Friday this week

El Fun Friday de esta semana (viernes 2 de marzo) se pospone hasta el viernes 16 de marzo.

- Esta semana NO habrá FUN FRIDAY.

- Próximos F.F: 16 y 23 de marzo.

25 febrero, 2007

Nuclear Power: No, thanks?

Two weeks ago, the former vice-president of the USA, Al Gore visited Madrid. He wanted the Spanish people to know that global warming is an increasingly worrying problem. Thus, if CO2 emissions keep on growing, Spain will be 8º C hotter than what it is now in 60 years time.

In order to reduce carbon-energy consumption levels, some scientists have proposed the “so-called” environmentally friendly energies such as solar, wind or sea powers. Many improvements have been developed on that field in the last decades. However, it
does not seem to be enough for a bigger and bigger demand.

There are also voices that have pointed to nuclear power as a solution for global warming since CO2 emissions will be drastically reduced.

What is your opinion? Will nuclear power stations solve the problem? If so, how would you feel with one of these stations next to your home? Finally, what about nuclear wastes?

If you want to know the advantages and the disadvantages of nuclear power, visit Energy Resources, a web page created by the Science teacher Andy Darvill.

07 febrero, 2007


Para conjugar cualquier verbo en inglés hemos de conocer:

  1. su INFINITIVO: play / go
  2. su FORMA "V-ing": playing / going
  3. su PARTICIPIO PASADO: played / gone
  4. su forma de PASADO: played / went

Así que os proponemos que hagáis algunos de los ejercicios que englishch-hilfen.de tiene en su web.

Además, podéis jugar a "Blast the Rocket" de la BBC.co.uk. Click on "Big Screen with Sound"

06 febrero, 2007

Can you count? (again)

Sharkito has been a little lazy, lately, hasn't he?

Vamos a la página de Primary Games y A CONTAR!

Count the fish shown, then click on the shell with the correct number. This game has 10 questions.

Cuenta los peces que aparecen en pantalla y haz click en la concha que tenga el número correcto. El juego tiene diez preguntas

22 enero, 2007

No tengo ...

A new section is born: Learning with songs.
We know that most of our students love songs. So we have decided to post a song from time to time.
To start with, why don't you listen Ain't got no/I got life by Nina Simone.

I ain't got no (1)____________, ain't got no (2)____________
Ain't got no (3)____________, ain't got no (4)____________
Ain't got no (5)____________, ain't got no (6)____________
Ain't got no (7)____________, ain't got no (8)____________
Ain't got no mind
1. Another word for “house”
2. You put them on your feet.
3. This is what you get when you work.
4. A group in a society with the same social and economic position. (Or a group of students)
5. Women are used to wear them instead of trousers. Men like them “mini”
6. Another word for pullover.
7. It is a liquid which smells very well.
8. The place where you sleep on at night.

Ain't got no (9)____________, ain't got no culture
Ain't got no (10)____________, ain't got no schooling
Ain't got no (11)____________, ain't got no (12)____________
Ain't got no (13)____________, ain't got no token
Ain't got no (14)____________

9. Your father’s wife is your _______ (OK, not always, but most of times)
10. The people you tell your secrets to.
11. It is something your boy/girlfriend feels for you.
12. My _________ is Miguel and I’m 37.
13. It is something you need to see a movie at the cinema.
14. It is said that He is in Heaven and everywhere. Muslims have one and Catholics a different one.

And what have I got?
Why am I alive anyway?
Yeah, what have I got
Nobody can take away?

Got my (15)____________, Got my (16)____________
Got my (17)____________, Got my (18)____________
Got my (19)____________, Got my (20)____________
Got my (21)____________, I got my (22)___________
I got my (23)___________, Got my chin
Got my (24)____________, Got my boobs
Got my (25)____________, Got my soul
Got my back, I got my (26)____________
15. (& 16) You have got 15 on your 16.

17. It is something you use to think or remember.
18. It is something you use to hear or listen.
19. It is something you use to see or look.
20. It is something you use to smell things.
21. You’ve got your teeth inside it.
22. A happy or friendly expression you do with your mouth.
23. Something you use to feel if something is sweet or bitter.
24. The part between your body and your head.
25. When your boy/girlfriend lets you down, your ________ breaks into pieces.
26. Some people call it “love” but most call it “to have ______”
I got my (27)____________, Got my (28)____________
Got my (29)____________, Got my (30)____________
Got my (31)____________, Got my (32)____________
Got my liver, Got my (33) _____________
28 & 29 in the upper part of your body are similar to 30, 31 & 32 in the lower part of it.

33. It’s a red fluid which runs through your veins.

I've got (34)____________, I've got my freedom
34. The time you live from when you are born until you die.
I've got the life
I've got the life
And I'm gonna keep it
I've got the life
And nobody's gonna take it away
I've got the life.

Did you enjoy the song?
Now, if you want to know something about this artist you can visit her official web site
Read her biography and answer these questions:
What was Nina Simone's real name?
When was she born?
Did she have any brothers or sisters?
When did she die?

The Alphabet

Spelling is very important in English. You should know the alphabet.

Para aprender el alfabeto te proponemos que lo escuches y repitas varias veces.

También puedes agrupar las letras por sonidos similares:

- /ei/: A H J K

- /i/: B C D E P T V (Z)

- /e+consonante/: F L M N S X

- /ai/: I Y

- /iu/: Q U W

- van por libre: O R Z

Have you learnt the alphabet yet? Then go to the British Council young learners site and play this game

¿Ya te has aprendido el abecedario?. Entonces visita British Council LearnEnglishKids y juega. Ayuda al mono a subir el cocotero para escapar de la serpiente, haz "click" en la letra que escuches.

10 enero, 2007

Time to work!

Saddam Hussein was hanged on December 30th. He had been found guilty of killing 148 people in 1982 and sentenced to death by an Iraqui Court.

Hussein's execution reopens the death penalty debate.

We want you to write a composition about the Capital Punishment.

You can get some ideas if you visit the following links.
cBBCnewsround. Arguments against capital punishment
cBBCnewsround. Arguments for capital punishment

You can also read some teenagers' opinion about this subject: cBBCnewsround. The death penalty - right or wrong?

Please, let's help each other. Click on comments and send your opinion. Are you for or against?

Easy, easy, easy.

I see you haven't been able to answer the first problem posted in this section - the one about the gatekeepers. I must admit it is a bit complicated.

Would you try an easier one?

Some months, such as January, March or December have 31 days. How many months have 28 days?

Come on! Give an answer. It's easy, isn't it?

09 enero, 2007

Can you count to 20?

Holidays are over. We have to work.
I know, I know. It's so hard!

Let's start with something easy.